What our clients say
about us
“Mediapro were recommended to us and the training we did was worth every penny. I now have far more confidence in dealing with the media particularly in a crisis situation. Mediapro’s training is a first class insurance policy.”
Simon Gray
Chief Executive
“Fantastic training that will prove beneficial. Lots of tips packed into an informative day. Overall, a very enjoyable experience, well worth the time and effort.”
Richard Eagling
Editor of Investment Life & Pensions
“A great course to help build confidence and fine tune skills. Done in a really sympathetic and non threatening way, which emphasised the positive which was great. Thoroughly enjoyed the day and I know I will use in the future. Thank you.”
Paul Lingard-Kay
Revenue Manager
“Thank you! The full range of experience with radio and television – delivered by professionals currently active in the media was most useful.”
Nick Walters
Ground Water & Surface Water Manager
“Loved every bit of it whereas I expected to hate it. Good to take us completely out of our comfort zones, but gave us the confidence to move forwards within our company regarding speaking to the media. A brilliantly planned day.”
“Very good day. Dispelled a lot of myths. Good info, good tips, good feedback. Absolutely have more confidence now to deal with the media.”
Lara Griffin and Eric Plane
Marine Directors
“The trainers have been very responsive and helpful when arranging the session. They also made themselves familiar with the premises prior to the session and answered all those awkward questions. They were very reassuring and supportive.”
Valerie Smith
Funeral Plans Communications Manager
“Thank you both VERY much. I loved being trained by a couple of pro’s who have had… and still have… plenty of experience at the coal face. People like you make training a terrific experience for the delegate – you manage to put the ‘victims’ at their ease, whilst still managing to create the right amount of pressure to make it absolutely real for us. We loved you immediately – and that’s no mean achievement when you’re faced with a bunch of experienced business people.”