How to attract positive media attention

So your team’s achieved something amazing or unusual that you’d like everyone to know about. How do you attract positive media coverage? A lot depends on whether your story has a genuine news peg… and of course… what else is happening in the world. You’ll also have to be proactive about contacting reporters and understand modern news is pacy – so be ready to say ‘yes’ to interviews at short notice.


The other day the RSPB had a quirky story about the success of landing strips they’d created for rare Cranes. Within an hour of being asked to have a location and interviewee set up the charity sprang into action. That can-do attitude led to a pre-recorded news item being completed that day… which ran on regional radio, regional and national TV bulletins. Fantastic free primetime news coverage for the charity and an upbeat end of bulletin piece for all of the outlets concerned.


If you know how to contact reporters and what’s required to make a story ‘stand up’… and on occasion, turn things around at the drop of a hat – you can get credible coverage for minimal effort and of course it has the added attraction of being free. Sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many great opportunities are missed because… ‘the manager’s away and no-one else can speak to the media’ or ‘it’s too short notice’… even when it was the business/organisation that initially called or sent out a news release with the idea in the first place.


Seize positive media opportunities when they arise. You’ll be surprised how far and wide your message will go.