Crisis Management
& the media
Crisis Management & The Media
How you respond to the media in a crisis is important. Do you come across as competent and caring or unprepared, out of touch and unprofessional?
With 24/7 news and phones that make everyone a potential ‘eye-witness’ it makes sense to have contingencies in place, should something go wrong.
Mediapro has been specialising in media training for more than a decade. This course really benefits from having trainers whose principal income is earned working in news. Our breadth of experience and contacts within the news industry gives our training the edge and credibility.
Each bespoke scenario is carefully prepared to ensure the press, radio, television and social media interviews are stimulating and realistic. Points also covered are:
- A brief introduction to the media; how today’s news reporters gather, process and share information.
- How to confidently speak to reporters and look and sound natural on air.
- Conveying key facts and messages.
- Speaking on and off the record.
- Creative soundbites and visual opportunities.
- How to avoid being misquoted.
- Learning how to deal with challenging questions.
- Handling criticism.
- The doorstep interview.
- The importance of building a lasting rapport with reporters.
A strong emphasis will be put on the recording of topical and challenging press (telephone interviews), radio and television scenarios and role-play including feedback. If relevant, the training will also include ‘down the line’ television interviews; a common form of interview that can be difficult to master.
All of the information discussed and used during Mediapro training is considered strictly confidential. With Mediapro you have the freedom to discuss sensitive issues without the falsehood of editorial role-playing. We believe realistic scenarios, in a secure environment, are the best way for you to prepare for the media impact of forthcoming events.